Songs for Beginners

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11/16/2002 3:29 am
Hey Peoples I gotta be honest, i cant play a single song all the way through and im curious what you guys think is a good first song to learn.
Not a Pro, Just like guitar
# 1
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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11/16/2002 6:54 pm
Maybe some AC/DC. Its all easy, even the solos. Even if you dont get them right away they will come with practice. They are very basic.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
# 2
Guitar Hurricane
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Guitar Hurricane
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11/16/2002 7:32 pm
metallica, nirvana, try older artist, some stones
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# 3
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11/18/2002 8:27 am
Try this:
somewhere there you'll find what they call songs for beginners,tabbed out,notation and stuff.You might like it.
# 4
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11/19/2002 1:48 am
Almost any punk song all power chords. And just in case you don't know how to name power chords. Just look for the root note.
A5- Root not at 5th fret on the low e-string.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 5
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11/19/2002 9:58 am
I recomend Nirvana for all beginners. But don't just stick with them too much. ;)

Also try Scorpions, Metallica's Rhythms specialy the clean stuff which are generally easier.
# 6
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11/19/2002 10:07 pm
hahah thanks for the replys guys, all the songs that i know bits and pieces too are ac/dc,mettalica,nirvana, old clssic rock and some random punk stuff hehe but i guess that just lets me know to keep with it, thanks for the info
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# 7
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11/20/2002 1:08 am
First time builder of a guitar - what was I thinking?

I was talked into buy 2 Fender lace sensor humbuckers.
Of course the instructions are for a Strat. I am more inclined to the gibson sound and set up.

I am putting 4 pots - v/t v/t - a 3 way switch below the pots and the jack in a side mount position.

The lace sensors have two sets of wire on each pickup,each containing an orange, white and green wire. Where do they go - do you twist two wires together? Also, I know that I have to put a ground wire under the bridge - what do I solder the ground wire too.

If anyone has a schematic that a 3 year old can read, I would appreciate it.......the guitar is almost finished and so is my sanity.

One more question - I was giving 250k pots - should I have used 500k pots - the body of the guitar is mahagony and neck is maple. Will the 250k pots give too muddy of a sound?

My life for a schematic that makes it simple.


# 8
Big as Elvis, Baby
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Big as Elvis, Baby
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11/20/2002 3:37 pm
Hmmmm? How did this post get on this thread? Anyhow, the orange wires are the hot, the green wire is the ground, orange wires to your p/u selector switch, green to a ground point like the back of a pot, 500k pots are supposed to be the best sounding with the Lace P/U's, what kind of bridge are you planning on using? Don't know about a 3yr olds but you can find some wiring diagrams at,

Btw, how are you mounting the pick-ups?........
# 9
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11/20/2002 6:28 pm
I have no idea how I ended up on this thread but here I am......Thanks so much for the info on wiring and the fact that I would be better off with 500k for the lace pu's-
I am using a non tremolo roller bridge and I will be mounting the pu's the normal humbucking way - Routering the holes, making the indentions for the screw plate and putting a finishing plate around them - the neck pu will be about a quarter inch from start of the fret boad although I haven't really made my final measurements for the placement of the 2nd pu and bridge. I know I have to be careful with placements so that the sound will be picked up. The guitar is turning out to be a beautiful thing to behold - just want to make sure the wiring doesn't make it just an accent piece for people to look at :) Thanks for your help.

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11/20/2002 11:12 pm
You can use my thread anytime, cause im actually interested in building too, dont know crap about it but building my own guitar is definetly something i wanna do in the future
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# 11
Tele Master
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11/21/2002 12:01 am
Remembering a song also depends on how much you practice. If you take a bit longer than some to learn a song, don't sweat it, just keep at it for a bit longer, and play it through slow, then just keep getting faster.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 12
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11/21/2002 2:11 pm
Originally posted by Beal
hahah thanks for the replys guys, all the songs that i know bits and pieces too are ac/dc,mettalica,nirvana, old clssic rock and some random punk stuff hehe but i guess that just lets me know to keep with it, thanks for the info

Don't keep on doing the riffs you already know, try finishing full songs with a band. That would realy help, I'm sure that's how most of us made it.
# 13
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11/23/2002 7:29 pm

you can play BLINK182 it's a fine punk rock band.
- - hope i halp - -

- * - * - * - * - * -
# 14
Guitar Hurricane
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Guitar Hurricane
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11/24/2002 10:39 pm
i got a new song for you. Cochise by audioslave. easiest song alive. might take you a total of under a week to become a master at even if u picked up the guitar yesterday plus its catchy....not to impressive but if keith richards gets away with then u can too!

WWSD? What would stevie do?
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11/26/2002 7:02 pm
That Song by Puddle Of Mudd called "she hates me" is pretty east to learn go to for the tab
:) Metalica :)
# 16

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