Playlist of Jam along Lessons

Old Bones
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Old Bones
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10/15/2019 2:03 am

At the end of each song lesson there is a full performance and a jam along. I now have a number of songs that I have finished learning and just want to play the jam along section.

Is there a way that I can put all these jam alongs into a list or playlist that I can access them easily and go through one by one without having to navigate my way through the songs and lessons menus?


Stephen J

# 1
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10/15/2019 3:48 am

You can select the jam along section of each song and mark it as a 'favorite'. This will put them in your Favorites list where you can order them anyway you'd like.

# 2
Old Bones
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Old Bones
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10/15/2019 9:39 am

Thanks Dave,

That works well. I didn't realise you could sort the favorites.


Stephen J

# 3
john of MT
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john of MT
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10/15/2019 2:48 pm

And, as I a couple times a year remind the GT guys, it would be a wonderful enhancement of the Favorites list if we could build folders as we all can do when we save favorites in our choice of browsers. After a while, a single long string of GT Favorites becomes unwieldy, imagine your Favorites list with folders...

The first folder I'd create would be Songs. Perhaps within that would be sub-folders for different genres, maybe decades (60's, 70's, contemporary...). Other folders might contain lessons for Technique, or Exercises, or Theory or... the mind boggles.

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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10/15/2019 6:54 pm
Originally Posted by: john of MT

And, as I a couple times a year remind the GT guys, it would be a wonderful enhancement of the Favorites list if we could build folders as we all can do when we save favorites in our choice of browsers. After a while, a single long string of GT Favorites becomes unwieldy, imagine your Favorites list with folders...

The first folder I'd create would be Songs. Perhaps within that would be sub-folders for different genres, maybe decades (60's, 70's, contemporary...). Other folders might contain lessons for Technique, or Exercises, or Theory or... the mind boggles.

We hear you guys! And funny, enough, some of us at the office were JUST talking about this. We appreciate the feedback and we're cooking things up right now, but it may be a little bit before we put anything like folders or customizable playlists into full production. Thanks for the patience!


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 5

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