recording question?

I read the tutorial but where and how do you plug your guitar into the computer or do you have to have a microphone?
# 1

Well heres how i do it.
I can do it one of two ways.
You have to buy an 1/8 in jack so you can plug your guitar cord into it...and then you plug that into the back of your computer. *the microphone outlet
If you already have a dig mic installed...then you can go to "Start" on your computer....then "all programs" then find..."accessories" ...then..."entertainment" then click on "Sound recorder" if you have it
Granted neither of these give you top notch studio recording...but you can record your ideas.
*I missed a lot of info so people can add on to it*
I can do it one of two ways.
You have to buy an 1/8 in jack so you can plug your guitar cord into it...and then you plug that into the back of your computer. *the microphone outlet
If you already have a dig mic installed...then you can go to "Start" on your computer....then "all programs" then find..."accessories" ...then..."entertainment" then click on "Sound recorder" if you have it
Granted neither of these give you top notch studio recording...but you can record your ideas.
*I missed a lot of info so people can add on to it*
Pray for Jason Becker
# 2

I think you should plug your guitar in the linein outlet. When I record thruohg the mic outlet it sounds crappy
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!
# 3

I get reasonably good sound when I connect my guitar to an amp(Marshall) and from the line out i connect it in the computer.
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!
# 4