Hi Guys

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Joined: 04/16/19
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Joined: 04/16/19
Posts: 6
06/12/2019 4:10 pm

Hi everyone

I've posted a couple of general posts asking people's opinions but thought I'd do a proper introduction.

I'm Matthew, I'm 31 and about 2 months into GF 1 having started as a COMPLETE beginner. My story is that when I was about 12 and moved from primary school into secondary (UK), we were allowed to learn an instrument provided we passed an audiotry test during our first music class which invovled listening to notes on a tape and answetring questions about them.

Our results were then read out by the teacher and if you failed he would say "I'm afraid there's nothing we can do with you". Needless to say this is the response that I got!

This completely put me off music for many years until recently when I decided "screw it, I'm givng it a go" and lashed out on a Gibson Les Paul Studio.

Absolutely loving it so far, practice about 40 minutes every evening properly but also find that I spend alot of time just holding the guitar and playing a few chrods/practicing changes whilst watching TV. I'm addicted!

Anyway, thanks for reading if you got all the way through!

# 1
William MG
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William MG
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06/12/2019 4:17 pm

Well best of luck to you Matthew.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 11/02/06
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 11/02/06
Posts: 3,979
06/14/2019 12:43 pm

Hi Matthew,

Oh no -what a story!!!

Let’s make that right. There is a whole ton of stuff you can learn to do here!

Its so sad that so many young folks get unnecessarily discouraged from music.

Welcome!! - Lisa

Lisa McCormick, GT Instructor
Acoustic, Folk, Pop, Blues

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# 3

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