Besides the basic strumming lessons are there any exercises in order to get better and get into advanced strumming techniques and patterns?

Hi there,
As you advance in the Core Learning System, you'll be introduced to more advanced strumming techniques and concepts.
Check out this strumming tutorial from Rock Level 2:
Anders will show you eight note strum patterns, sixteenth note patterns and more.
In this level 2 Country course, Anders will show you different variations of your right hand strum technique, ghost notes and other skills:
Remember, you can always use the search function located at the top right of the page to search for topics and lessons.

The act of a single individual playing the acoustic guitar and singing along at the same time.

Jorgan Ingman recorded Apache in his home studio doing all the tracks himself. Hence, no video I can find of him playing it. I'm interested if anyone has any ideas how he created the "thumping" strum sound for his rhythm guitar. His version was so high end.
Also this would be a great tutorial song. just saying...Thanks, bob