Late Night and wanting practice.

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03/18/2019 3:08 am

As a student and full time worker, the only times I get to practice are late nights and I have a acoustic guitar. Since im in a apartment, its too loud to play at night as ive gotten complaints from neighbor. Is there any way to quiet down my acoustic guitar and practice during nights?

# 1
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03/18/2019 3:38 pm

Get an electric guitar, a pocket rocket, and some headphones. This will allow you to work into the night practicing at a low ambient sound level. Even without the amp and headphones you can practice with just the unamped guitar. It will feel diffrent but it will allow you to practice without anoying the neighbors. I frequently practice this way and I can blister paint in the front room while my wife sleeps soundly in the next room.

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03/20/2019 5:50 pm
Originally Posted by: sizanbandhan

As a student and full time worker, the only times I get to practice are late nights and I have a acoustic guitar. Since im in a apartment, its too loud to play at night as ive gotten complaints from neighbor. Is there any way to quiet down my acoustic guitar and practice during nights?

Snojones gave you good advice. As far as a "pocket rock-it" goes, there are several ways to accomplish headphone playing. I STRONGLY suggest you look in to an Irig, they are like 50 bucks, you'll have all the effects you want and be able to queitly play through headphones. The other alternative is of course a small practice amp with a headphone out. I bought a TON of gear I didnt need, then found the irig a thousand dollars later. Dont be like me!

# 3
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03/20/2019 7:50 pm

I 2nd the comment on the iRig by electriceels. I have the iRig HD, plug it into my iPad (or iPhone) and use Amplitube for the amp models & effects. It sounds good and does not irritate anyone in the house. I can jam along to Spotify or take a Guitar Tricks lesson.

I know it's not an aswer to your acoustic question but it does work well if you have access to an electric guitar. I use a cheapo electric with the iRig (keep them in the family room) and it works great. The good guitar stays in the bedroom with the "time to drive everyone crazy amp".

# 4
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03/27/2019 6:57 am

,me I get a quarter inch jack (I'm not sure if that's the name for it),but it plugs into my line 6 spider amp (only 100 bucks),and I plug studio headphones into it and plug my electric guitar into it,and anytime I practice I always use headphones.but yeah there are pocket amplifiers for like 50 bucks that are made to plug into headphones and connect to your guitar.

# 5

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