Back Pain

Sleepers Hill
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Sleepers Hill
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03/04/2019 7:32 pm

Hey guys,[br][br]recently I have been developign some back pain whilst playing guitar.[br][br]I always play whislt sitting on a stool (drum throne) I tend to sit quite low down and often use a foot stall for my right leg as I play right handed. However, recently I am finding whatever position I play in I am starting to get a lot of pressure on my lower back. I am relatively young (26). I am not sure why I am getting this pain. Can anyone perhaps offer some advice?[br][br]Thanks again and all the best


# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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03/04/2019 7:54 pm

Hi there,

You may want to check your posture. This has happened to me in the past before, as well. Sometimes I end up hunched over for a little while and my right arm is more tense than it should be.

I would say, just make sure to loosen up every once in awhlie when practicing, it's easy to get real tense when concentrating. Maybe also find a squishier seat to sit in?

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
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Sleepers Hill
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Sleepers Hill
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03/05/2019 7:17 pm

Hi, [br][br]thanks for the response. [br][br]I have been experimenting with my posture for a while but recently my back has been killing me. I have tried sitting on the edge of my bed and I found this quite comfortable and so far no pain, is this a bad idea or should I keep doing this?[br][br]Thanks again


# 3
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03/05/2019 7:57 pm

Have you tried using a strap so you can play standing up?

# 4
Papa Rich
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Papa Rich
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03/18/2019 4:59 pm

I have a weak back and sometimes playing screws with it. I use a chair with no arms and a

back part. This helps me stay somewhat straight.

# 5
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03/19/2019 5:26 am

I would recommend sitting in a chair with lumbar support or at least with a back to the chair. I used to sit on a backless drum throne and it will strain your back muscles. Also, as a caution, you may want to have your back evaluated by a medical professional/physician. Some conditions can lurk unknowingly and cause back pain too, even in young people in their 20s. :)

# 6
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03/19/2019 4:02 pm

The advise to seek profesional advise is spot on. I would strongly recommend looking into physical theripists. A good one can be an invaluable resource with back pain. It is also my experience that back pain will keep coming back until you change what ever it is that causes it. A good PT can be the key to getting a handle on this kind of problem. Most MD's will just refer you to a PT so why not just start with a PT?

Also, a "good PT" is not one who sits on the other side of the room and talks about exercise. A "good Pt" will be very hands on about diagnosis and treatment. Keep moving on until you find a good "hands on" therepist, then listen to what they tell you. I appointed my PT the "Responsable Adult" in our relationship, and I have never regreted it. After years of intermittant, dibilitating pain, I have been pain free for a couple of years now.

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john of MT
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john of MT
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03/19/2019 4:24 pm

Use a strap, sitting or standing. It will help your playing and, IMO, quite likely help your back.

When I got tired, stiff or sore when playing I refocused on posture and [u]proper[/u] sitting in the chair. And exercise.

At the beginning and inbetween different parts of the practice session I would do stretching or other exercise (trunk bends, toe touches, leg lifts, crunches, stuff for the neck... even push-ups.). Just a few of one or the other inbetween each set. It solved virtually all of the stiffness/soreness I was experiencing and it was a refreshing break during the practice.

Guitarists have finger stretches and other warm-up techniques... why wouldn't we work on the other parts of the body that work during guitar playing?

I played better and looked better, too.

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
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