I always wanted a guitar when I was in my teens, but we didn't have money for such things. A guy in the dorm in college let me strum his 6-string nylon in college and showed me a few songs (Wish you were here) and I ran out and bought a Yamaha FG410, but never took lessons.
We didn't have computers and the internet back then. I learned some chords and how to read tab from some friends and learned a few songs. I never really got the hang of Barre Chords and how to transition to and through them. I got frustrated with my inability to progress and put it down.
I picked up the guitar again in my early 30's, bought a Tacoma DM18 because it sounded awesome and was on sale. I bought some tab and learned some new songs, I took a few lessons and played with a neighbor until he moved away. Still never really got past the F Barre-Chord and put it down again.
Now I'm 50 and my 13 year old son wants to learn the guitar, so I dusted off the FG410 and the DM18. I started him out with this old-school learn-to-play guitar book and then I found GuitarTricks.com - AWESOME! We are really enjoying learning together.
I futz around with my guitar and strum chords and do some finger-picking every day, but my son and I do lessons together 3X per week and we are working through the Fundamentals course in order. I'm a little impatient, but I'm staying patient in front of him.
Question - I've always wanted to try electric and he wants to try electric - I told him that he had to stick with it for 6 months and learn to play on the acoustic first. Do you think that's the right approach? How long should I wait before I try an electric and how long should I make him wait?