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Joined: 06/08/00
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10/25/2002 9:33 pm
God dammit, and I told myself to stay out of this thread, damn you PonyOne! ;)

But I still stick to my point.
I am SURE a lot of music gets stolen in the way you described.
Yet, going around the country, for the sole reason of ripping off(it's not stealing, they get the stuff handed to them basically) musical ideas from your fans is a whole different thing in my opinion.

The way I see it, Limp Bizkit probably asked their managment and lawyers to build up an idiot-proof contract that would prevent legal action against them in case they decided to release any filmed material in the form of a documentary.
Also, I don't think they did this whole quest for a new guitarist in order to rip off music from fans, but it was just a big ass publicity stunt. We all know Fred is a major media horn dog.

Now, I'm not saying my theory on this is the truth. And I'd be happy to be proven wrong. But I think some people here tend to overlook the legal part behind all of this.