I was wondering if there will be an option to use Chromecast with the Guitartricks App.
Chromecast for guitartricks app
Hi Ryan,
The Guitar Tricks app does not currently support Chromecast. If you access Guitar Tricks on a laptop or desktop with Google chrome, you may cast the Chrome tab.
You may also screen mirror your phone with the GT app on, if your phone has that option.
Adding Chrome casting functions is something we would like to add into the future.
Thank you for the suggestion, Ryan!

One more vote for the Chromecast function. Really really hepful if we get this valuable feature.
Originally Posted by: alvaroqc7One more vote for the Chromecast function. Really really hepful if we get this valuable feature.
We're working on the apps at the moment and we're planning to add features like this in the future. Thank you for the feedack and your patience!

I see it has been a long time, as in years since y'all said you would like to add this feature. It is actually on the development path?

same here / I would like to cast to my tv. This question was raised several years ago.
I cannot log in on tv. I cannot cast. It makes certain situations really difficult for me and I haven’t been able to really use the app for a while now because I need to see on a big screen.
same here / I would like to cast to my tv. This question was raised several years ago.
I cannot log in on tv. I cannot cast. It makes certain situations really difficult for me and I haven’t been able to really use the app for a while now because I need to see on a big screen.
Hi S3V3N, Chromecast is still unavailable at this time. If you have an HDMI chord, you can connect your device directly to your television. If you have an IOS device, you will be able to airplay to your tv.