Joyo JF-14 American Sound amp sim pedal

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11/30/2018 7:35 pm


[u]What:[/u] Joyo JF-14 American Sound Amp Sim Pedal

[u]SRP:[/u] No SRP stated on Manufacturer's website. It's 2018. meaningful street price varies depending upon country of purchase, and purchase source. On my wish list for some time, I sourced mine from AliExpress in their 11/11 sale recently. Price to my door inc tax was half that of same item's local street price sourced from the best priced reliable local vendor.

[u]How long tested[/u]: Mine arrived a couple of days ago. Gave it a thorough flogging yesterday for hours.

[u]Pros[/u]. Does "what it says on the tin". i.e. Everything

[u]Cons[/u]. None. What's not to like.

Have to say, IMO it lives up to the sales pitch. "American Sound reproduces the sound of a Fender '57 Deluxe amp, which performs great from clean, driven, and everywhere in between".

Very, very impressed.

Illustrative You Tube Demo (not mine).Comparison test, pedal and Fender amp. (not mine)

Absolute killer bang for the buck. Quality inside and out is as you'd expect from Joyo, top notch. If you're a fan of that epoch's sound and its Fender tones, this pedal is a [u]must have[/u]. Highly recommended.

# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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12/03/2018 5:48 pm

Hi manXcat,

I've used a few JoYo pedals before, and they certainly get the job done. I think a lot of pedals and brands are actually just that, only big or popular due to the name on the box!

There are so many great pedals out there from lesser-known makers, it's great to have the options.

Thanks for the write up!

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# 2
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12/20/2018 2:51 pm

Please give recommendations on good pedals from "lesser known" companies

# 3

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