Alot of early Rush was cut on a 335, I don't think Alvin Lee ever played anything other than 330's or 335's, even an old square like myself played in a band with a guy that had a 335 and it never seemed like much of a problem, Hollow bodies do vibrate more because of the thin sides, top, and back, feedback could be a problem but it can be an asset too, just have to learn how to avoid it or work with it, as far as sound goes, I think most hollow or semi-hollow bodies tend to sound a little brighter and less gutsy than a solid body, I never liked the way they feel when I strapped one on, seemed too fragile, a klutz like me might smash one too easy............... wouldn't say no to a nice Gretsch though..........
[Edited by pstring on 10-13-2002 at 09:18 AM]