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High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
09/27/2002 3:07 pm

Really you can get away with throwing alittle harder rock
plus blues ect into your show or where ever you play!
But your band has to know more than just country to
pull it off.
If you give the old die hard country listeners what they
want at the place your playing then you can throw in the
hard rock ect my band is not labled country .
And i'm not labeled a country guitarest.
Now as far as you playing cover rock songs note for note
you don't have to do that we don't but we can but that would be boreing to me and my band if we could'nt jam.
I will say i'm lucky my band can play other styles and
pull the hard-rock plus blues stuff off to a 80% country
crowd, but the trick is do all the requests they want then
do your rock stuff then they will forget about the country unless you try to throw to much heavy music as you say
at them.And it dos help having a good MC to talk at them
when you do your thing.

(We play music-no labels)

yours truly Mark Toman