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High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
09/26/2002 4:59 pm
Originally posted by terryf1960
i like blending that honky tonk and older rockabilly stuff in w/my hard rock/metal.

Although Country picking is what I'm good at I have nothing against ocasionally cranking up the stereo and listening to some heavier music. Some that come to mind are Van Halen and Steve vai. Some older guitarists like Dave Gilmour are favorites as well.

Don't just listen to these guys use bits and peices of
thier licks and add them into your country music.
I would hate to be labeled a country guitarest only!
I use alot of the rock licks bits and peices plus alot
of blues stuff in all my country.(I do use more blues today in my country music.
Thanks to the great Chet atkins&Jerry reed the country
guitarests of today don't just play i lost my dog country
music or chicken pick only.

Expermenting with all styles and putting
them in your style is the way to go in
country music today.
I've used from clapton to santana in alot
of country music plus on brooks&dune
tunes ive stuck in licks from little
wing JH and Srv licks.ect

(Don't belive in labeling myself a
country picker i love to play all
styles of music.
I would rather be called just a

Mark( still learning and will never
stop experimenting with other

yours truly Mark Toman