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Joined: 06/21/02
Posts: 15
New Member
Joined: 06/21/02
Posts: 15
09/25/2002 4:58 pm
Hey Terry, I'm a big fan of country style playing, Jerry Donahue, Arlen Roth, Danny Gatton, Pete Anderson,etc...

I attended a guitar clinic years ago with Arlen Roth that was amazing. I liked Danny Gattons style but to me his tones had little to desire. I always felt he got about the ugleist tones possible out of a tele. Out of the bunch you mentioned Jerry Donahue is my favourite, but I have a hard time finding any recordings by him. The closest I can come to a similar style is in my favourite country band Diamond Rio. Seen them live a couple of times and Jimmy Orlando simply amazed me each time. Probably he's my favourite guitar player