honestly one of the best things you can do with practicing new concepts is close to what you're doing.[br][br]We're often very wired to thing "keep trying it until it's right" but honestly I've found that with a lot of new phrases and whatnot, the mind needs time to wrap itself around the processes of everything, so spending say five to ten minutes on one riff or phrase, capping it at that, and moving on to your next drill or phrase and repeating the process consistently over a few days will make you make much faster overall progress than say spending an hour or even twenty minutes on a phrase.
There seems to be this cutoff point where the mind just doesn't want to make additional progress on something that day, but will make more the next day, kind of like lifting weights for example (where at a certain point, you're just wasting energy and not building muscle). So, attacking multiple different concepts at once is actually gonna make faster development, if that makes any sense. There's also the added benefit that if you're only giving something five to ten minutes, you tend to work much harder on it than if you gave it twenty minutes to an hour, and it's a lot more fun.