Hey, there! Glad you are working through the courses. Anders does a great job teaching all those skills & concepts.
Originally Posted by: SlashycocoI really practice the licks and try to understand what I can(root note, repetition, rhythm). However when its time to improvise on the lick and play together with Anders Mouridsen, I just can'tseem to keep up.[/quote][p]Stop right there! :)
You can always go forward in the course to see what the next idea is. That's fun & exciting! But you should never consider yourself done with any lesson, until you completely undestand the idea being taught or until you can actually do the skill or technique in real time with the music.
So you've kind of answered your own question here.
Originally Posted by: Slashycoco
So I move on to the next lick that he is going to teach without being able to really jam and improvise on the lick. I then try to improvise on all the licks that i have learned but I fail.
[p]That's because you haven't really mastered the idea yet. You aren't done with a lesson until you've mastered it. Until you are competent at the skill.
[quote=Slashycoco]My question is, should I keep learning new concepts and licks? Or should I stick to one lesson/lick until I am comfortable with it?
You can do a balance of both. It's fun to see what's next! But make time to go back over previous material until you done with it. Until it's second nature.
Most of this simply comes down to repetitious practice. Putting in the time to play the licks, chords, ideas, until they become automated in your mind & fingers. There is simply no substitute for practice.
So, you should some time aside in your practice routine to stop watching new lessons & just focus on playing the one you really need to work on. And then turn the computer off & just play those ideas to keep complete focus on one particular idea, lick, skill.
Hope that helps! Please ask more if necessary. Best of success with the courses & improvising.
Christopher Schlegel
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