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08/28/2002 4:33 am
Hi everyone I'm new to this board. I've been playing acoustic guitar for a little less than a year. I haven't taken any lessons but I took a class when I just started and it gave me the basics. I can play the major scale in any key and the minor pentatonic scale in any key. I am pretty good at open chords cause I practiced the basic open chord songs like House of the Rising Sun, Knocking on Heaven's Door.

Anyway now that you know approximately where I'm at I'd like to ask a few questions. First I get the basic idea behind modes and solo boxes but I don't really understand it and to be able to I think I need to practice some (obviously). Now considering there's a lot I was wondering which ones I should practice first.

The other question is what do I do now. I have been trying for a long time to find songs that are at my level to try playing. Now I'm a heavy metal and rock fan and I play acoustic guitar so that means I can't play any of my favourite songs but I'm fine with anything that sounds good. I heard plenty of good classical songs but I need names.

Also any other advice you might have is greatly appreciated.
# 1
Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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08/29/2002 6:16 pm
once you have the theory, start making your own songs up. after a while they will get better and better...

imo its a better idea than copying songs all your life.
# 2
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08/29/2002 10:17 pm
I do plan to make my own songs eventually but for now while I'm still learning I'd rather just play stuff while I'm getting enough theory to be able to write my own songs.

thanks though
# 3
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08/30/2002 1:27 am
Yes, theory is god. If your slow don't try to learn theory on the interent, get your guitar instructor maybe to go over it. I first learned theory with "Happy Birthday".

# 4
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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08/30/2002 2:19 am
I go with the Ramones, I started writing songs because everyone else’s were too hard to play !

I also think that at times it is easy to get too bogged down in theory, if it sounds good to you then IMHO that is the only true yard stick to judge your own music by.

Unfortunately this approach can lead to getting stuck in a rut and for me, that is when a lesson or two can be very helpful.

Starting a band can also bring you along very quickly as inspiration can flood in from all directions as there is the opportunity to experiment and try out new things with the full ensemble behind you!

Hope this helps

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# 5
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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08/31/2002 12:49 am
This is something that Mike Mushok quoted; "Learn all the theory you can, and then forget it."
I always thought that that ment once you know your theory, it becomes so easy, almost second nature, almost as if you know it by heart in the back of your mind, almost forgotten. Knowing your theory this well makes it easyer to write songs properly, I suppose. Thats just my interpretation of what he said. Give it a little thought.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
# 6
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08/31/2002 7:43 pm
I am still learning to play and about music therory and stuff.
:) Metalica :)
# 7

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