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Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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Joined: 12/23/01
Posts: 1,625
08/18/2002 4:34 am
umm...well maybe they closed on audiogalaxy, but i have hundreds of MP3's, and i've been getting them nonstop since like '99, check out WINMX, they have MP3's, and there are plenty of MP3 sources that have been up for a long time, Im not sure why you said they left...?

Anyways, I believe Aimster is still up (although they are in a lawsuit right now, that was similar to Napster's), if you have a Macintosh computer, Limewire works okay, Kazaa is another one, Morpheus is pretty popular, and these sources i've mentioned have all been out for quite a few years now (2 or more at least), and have more MP3 than you will probably ever download in your entire life.