Originally Posted by: brandon407I am reading up on the Em Scale. I am reading that the notes are E,F#,G,A,B,C,D , but I am showing that the scale formula is 1,2,b3,4,5,b6,b7 I am confused on how the G# is not shart but the F is according to the formula shouldnt the third note be Sharp?
You have the right idea but are applying it the wrong way! :) I think you might be conflating the scale degrees accidentals (sharps & flats) of one particular scale with the musical alphabet letters accidentals.
The musical alphabet is a constant, unchanging system of 12 notes that repeats over & again for as low or high as any given instrument ranges.
A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, repeat.
Each one of those is a half step apart. Any sharp can be renamed flat of the next letter (i.e.: A# is also B-flat) Any given scale starts on one of those letters & then applies the scale formula regardless of which natural or accidental it uses.
So, the A minor scale happens to have no accidentals because when you apply the minor scale formula.
A (root) whole step to
B (2nd) half step to
C (minor 3rd) whole step to
D (4th) whole step to
E (5th) half step to
F (minor 6th) whole step to
G (minor 7th) whole step to
A (root)
But the E minor scale has one sharp because when you start on E & apply the scale formula to the musical alphabet that is just where the notes happen to land.
E (root) whole step to
F# (2nd) half step to
G (minor 3rd) whole step to
A (4th) whole step to
B (5th) half step to
C (minor 6th) whole step to
D (minor 7th) whole step to
E (root)
One more example! If you want to play D minor, then you start on D but find that it's much easier to use flats for labelling.
D (root) whole step to
E (2nd) half step to
F (minor 3rd) whole step to
G (4th) whole step to
A (5th) half step to
B-flat (minor 6th) whole step to
C (minor 7th) whole step to
D (root)
You could call the B-flat an A#, but the problem is that you are already using the letter A on the 5th degree. So, for conceptual clarity & perceptual ease we call it B-flat in order to avoid doubling of the letters in one scale.
Hope that helps! Thanks to Jarkko for replying!
Christopher Schlegel
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