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07/18/2018 5:34 am

considering how much i hear the recommendation to relax and try to remove all tension from your body while playing/practicing, what are your opinions on getting high before a practice session? is it detrimental to your concentration and or coordination? or does it have the opposite effect of sharper concentration and ease of hand and finger movement? i realize not everyone would have the same experience but im interested in your individual opinions. i havent smoked in a very very long time but i live in a legal state and im considering giving it a go.

your thoughts...

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07/18/2018 4:19 pm
Originally Posted by: catblk

considering how much i hear the recommendation to relax and try to remove all tension from your body while playing/practicing, what are your opinions on getting high before a practice session? is it detrimental to your concentration and or coordination? or does it have the opposite effect of sharper concentration and ease of hand and finger movement? i realize not everyone would have the same experience but im interested in your individual opinions. i havent smoked in a very very long time but i live in a legal state and im considering giving it a go.

your thoughts...

I'm not an advocate of recreational weed so this does taint my opinion. I wanted to be sure that I put that disclaimer on my response.

With that in mind; absolutely not. You're actually complicating the very thing you're trying to achieve. Leaving aside relaxation, you are altering your brains ability to function. You're actually making it tougher for your brain to coordinate with your hands. Here's an abstract from a peer reviewed article (link):

Results[br]When subject to the effects of 17 mg THC, regular marijuana smokers hit the walls more often on the virtual maze task than without THC. Compared to results without THC, 17 mg THC increased brain metabolism during task performance in areas that are associated with motor coordination and attention in the middle and medial frontal cortices and anterior cingulate, and reduced metabolism in areas that are related to visual integration of motion in the occipital lobes.

Conclusion[br]These findings suggest that in regular marijuana users, the immediate effects of marijuana may impact on cognitive–motor skills and brain mechanisms that modulate coordinated movement and driving.


So given that people are running into walls for simply walking (something they do every day), more complex stuff like playing guitar should be a coordination nightmare when you're trying to learn the instrument.

If you're tensing up when you're playing, it surely is psychological. Your instinct to relax your brain is not offbase. You're using the wrong mechanism for relaxation. If you are physically tense when you pick up the instrument, you've already lost the relaxation battle.

A few of things to keep in mind:

-Go over Lisa's 'How to Hold...(Acoustic/Electric)' to be comfirtable with ergonomics again. So many people grab the neck with a kung fu grip but it needn't be.

-Consider playing with a strap even while sitting. I have almost always played with a strap when practicing. It's my preference in that I don't feel like I am holding the guitar to keep it in place (not literally true but it works for me). I've done this since 1982 and hasn't failed me yet.

-Third thing is; Lighten Up Francis...Hehe...If you psyche yourself up when you grab the guitar, you've already lost that battle like I'd said. It happens whenever we learn a new complex skill. Ever watch a first time golfer? All tension. Tiger Woods? Loosey-goosey. It's the nature of a new skill. It's a matter of trying to control the action you're taking.

First time I learned to swing a golf club, I had an instructor who told me not to hit the ball very far. He told me the first hit I was going to take to hit it 5 feet. That's all he wanted. So, I successfully hit the ball 5 feet or so. then 10 feet or so...and so on. Why? I didn't need to wind up like a spring to just hit the ball 5 feet. I could focus on the ball on the tee and just ping it a little. And I have to say, I got a pretty solid long game when I play, if a bit predisposed to shanking to the right. Short game? Funny, I'm terrible.

Anyway, the lesson is not to nail something the first time out. Grab an Open G chord but don't try to hold it perfectly. Matter of fact, place your fingers on top of that chord's strings without pressing. Strum. Yes, it will sound terrible. Then press ever so slightly more. You'll be shocked at how little pressure it takes to fret a string or hold a chord.

Knowing this might relieve the tension and makes for easy chords and transitions.

Lastly, remember that as Rome, yes, was not built in a day; you will not become a world class player tomorrow either. I still like learning a few new chrods and riffs even if not applying to a full song. The other day I had Supertramp's 'Give a Little Bit' in my head and thought it can't be that hard...it's not: A7>D>G>A7. Still, easy and fun to play. That's the point too. Don't get too far ahead of yourself and get tense because you aren't 'there'. I've played for decades and loved learning little ditties just because I like the tune, even if it's easy.

There's my treaties on relaxation. Grab what works for you if any of it rings true.

# 2
john of MT
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john of MT
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07/19/2018 5:59 pm

Foreseen, controlled results could be an issue. Depending upon one's attitude toward any intoxicating substance, stimulant or depressive, the question is 'how much is just right?' As a corollary, 'how much is too much?'

Given the hundreds of stories about the hundreds of musicians that had/have 'problems' using drugs (including alcohol) to relax, calm jitters, boost creativity, etc., and the long list of musicians lost too early, such self-prescribed treatment sounds like a very bad idea. Finding a reason to justify some level of intoxication seems like a quick path to dependence. YMMV.

If one can't handle the guitar as well as the big boys and girls why would one think one could handle the self-medication any better?

When I close some of my posts with "have fun" sparking up was not what I meant.

Have fun.


p.s. good one, JeffS65

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 3
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11/14/2018 8:09 pm

I think you should try it.. people that dont smoke have no real life exp with it and can only go to these scientific studies for their info which cannot be applied to everyone.. its a wonderful plant with many benefits. Just because someone doesnt navigate a virtual rat maze has nothing to do with you or your abilities or comfort while playing.. also the only person that knows if it helps you is yourself and no one else..do it for your self..see if it helps..i find it very beneficial in many ways... many people use it for exactly what you seek.. one more thing.. smoking weed does not lead to dependancy or addiction.. that is a myth..smoke on my friend..

# 4
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11/14/2018 8:57 pm
Originally Posted by: catblkwhat are your opinions on getting high before a practice session? is it detrimental to your concentration and or coordination? ......your thoughts...

My thoughts?

ROFL .. Well, you did ask.

On a less sarcastic note, I can't believe you're truly serious!?..?...?

You aren't, ....are you?

"is it detrimental to your concentration and or coordination?"

Would you drink to relieve tension prior to a driving lesson, smoke weed prior to going on the mil shooting range with weapon, or take valium prior to flying instruction?

Before touting the 'it isn't the same' sacred cow proviso of "safety", safety there isn't compromised per se either as there is an instructor with you in all instances assuming the role of licensed driver in control, range commander or pilot in command. They of course would refuse to instruct you, and rightly so as it would be as utterly futile as pointless reflected in your demonstrated (non) performance.

[br]When learning anything, one requires functional cognition abetted by unimpaired coordination for the tactile.

Once the skill is acquired and rehearsed to the point of rote, one might be able to perform albeit at a reduced level of efficiency under the influence, provided that's not taken to tragic if utterly predictable extremes. e.g. Paul Kossoff (RIP).

# 5
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11/15/2018 2:09 am


Before you go full Spicoli check this out. Back in the day when I was in my first garage band, (late s70's), we would sometimes get high before we practiced. (Actually. it would be more accurate if I said sometimes we "didn't" get high before we practiced). Anyway, two of the guys in the band seemed to think we sounded great when we got baked and the other two, me included, thought it was better when we were not high. So, we recorded ourselves straight, and then again after we got high and played both versions for several of our friends. Everyone, even the two band members who thought we were great stoned, agreed that it was much better and tighter when we were straight.

My advice is to take the Pepsi challenge yourself. Get high and record yourself playing a song you know well, then put on a jam track and record some improvisation. Then do the same thing when you're unbent and see which sounds better...

# 6
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12/02/2019 8:55 am

The marijuana is not the worst and the harmless drug and marijuana that reaches the same pleasure centers in the brain that are targeted by heroin, cocaine, and alcohol. If you are deciding to strat smoke again you should to understand and take the responsibility to not become addicted coz marijuana can produce a feeling of euphoria — or high — by stimulating brain cells.Many people like this feeling and can't stop this habit. The drug addiction becomes the main problem in people's lives. They lost their jobs and relationships with family. Also, many companies are making random drug test making several changes in rules and everyone who didn't pass the drug test can be faired. I advice to read this article https://www.noonproposition56.com[br] and be prepared if you will have occasion to make a drug test .

# 7
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12/02/2019 3:09 pm
Originally Posted by: JeffS65

With that in mind; absolutely not. You're actually complicating the very thing you're trying to achieve. Leaving aside relaxation, you are altering your brains ability to function. You're actually making it tougher for your brain to coordinate with your hands. Here's an abstract from a peer reviewed article (link):

Which one? Your link does not send to a peer reviewed article. It is for a Google search. I would be interested in the article especially if it is on the NIH site.

[u]Guitars:[/u] 2014 PRS Santana, 2013 PRS Paul's, 2009 PRS Hollowbody, 1972 Gibson ES-325, 2012 Fender Strat American Standard, 2012 Yamaha Pacifica, Martin M-36, Martin 000-15M, Seagull S6 Classic[br][u]Amps:[/u] Fender Blues Junior III, Boss Eband JS-10, Line 6 POD 500X, Quilter Microblock 45

# 8
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12/03/2019 3:34 pm

I understand the whole "Tension" angle you are talking about, I sometimes do better also when I don't think about playing and just relax.

I do not get high or drink before I play because it ruins my concentration and learning guitar is hard enough without being stoned or or drunk top of it.

With that said, I am legal to buy and use medical marijuana in the state where I live. I am 64 yrs old, employed in a technical position and have smoked on and off since I was 14. I have never been addicted to weed or any other drug even though at one point I was smoking an ounce of high grade Columbian a week. Soon after doing that, I moved into a job using heavy equipment and voluntarily quit using weed cold with no after effects. I am coming to the end of a career filled with high tech thinking and one that was monetarily very lucrative, so no.. weed did not damage my brain.

I do not advocate anyone using drugs, and I do not want to make waves here, but at least one of these posts was kind of like listening to the war on drugs speeches of the seventies to me.

# 9
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02/03/2020 12:55 am

I smoked weed and marijuana wax for many years. For me pot would give me that feeling of being more creative but it was just that, a feeling. In reality it affected my memory and concentration and affected my ability to get better at playing guitar.

I’ve been sober off pot for 5 months and my guitar playing is improving far more than if I was still smoking. I’m all for pot being legalized but like anything else, if it’s abused, it can cause serious problems in your life.

# 10
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02/08/2020 11:30 am

I thought you meant the band Weed Ć°ÅøĖœā€š

# 11
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01/13/2021 12:56 am

You see, I was that kind of a person that is totally against the recreational use of cannabis. I knew about it's benefits, and how it actually helps you overcome different conditions like PTSD or nausea, anxiety, depression and so on and so forth. Nevertheless, I just refused to consume it as a recreational product. However, I got to try it once, and I actually liked it a lot. It relaxes you a lot, and makes you free of all the stupid and unwanted thoughts. Right now, I only consume it occasionally, and I only like to smoke the best medical mj Canada! I am really afraid to smoke something that is of a poor quality.

# 12
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01/13/2021 1:44 am

I suppose I`ll add in my two cents on this for what it`s worth. Yes I smoked my share of weed in college back in the 70`s. Drank more than my share of beer too. Like alcohol, weed is a mind altering substance. It changes your perception of reality. You THINK you`re more creative when you`re high. You THINK you might sound better when you`re drunk. Kind of like everyone thinks they`re a badass at 1 AM in the bar after they`ve downed a six pack.

The reality is that you`re not. You`re NOT playing better, you`re NOT more creative. You just percieve that you are. If you have to get high to relax before playing guitar then something`s wrong. Just playing should be relaxing enough. Mastering a new song for the first time should be enough of a high.

Enough pontificating. Just my opinion. As long as it`s legal folks can make their own decisions. Play on.

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01/13/2021 1:50 am

I reckon you'd have to be Jimi Hendrix before it made a positive difference.

# 14
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01/13/2021 1:03 pm
Originally Posted by: Tinpan

I reckon you'd have to be Jimi Hendrix before it made a positive difference.

Quote of the day.

# 15
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01/13/2021 1:35 pm

As somebody who smoked some goodddd weed when I was younger and making hiphop music performing on stage for 1000s of people and being in the studio almost every day for 10 hours or more.... I would say: Don't go in that direction.

It might help you relax but I would not rely on it. That's the bad idea about it. If you need to rely on weed to get relaxed so you can do something, you are on a slippery slope to becoming addicted to it.

Also, with that much time in studios etc I have never come across somebody (including myself) who performed better because of weed. He/she might not perform worse because of it but not better. You might even become worse because with weed you can also get paranonia. For example, white widow was a typical weed that could make people paranoid. I remember many times in the studio I could not perform because there were people I did not know and I smoked to much. So the opposite of relaxed will happen and you energy will be tense. Recording the stuff all over a day after was almost always the conclusion.

Now, to recreational smoke a bit of weed once in a while to just relax, watch a movie, listen to some music... chilling with buddies.. I never saw that as much worse than drinking a wine or drinking a beer.

But again I would not recommend drinking to achieve something (like performing so you are more relaxed). Same slippery slope.

But what do I know. I am not 67+ and only people above a certain age can be wise :)

"You find a lot of people these days who cannot stand to be alone. You could lock me up in solitary for weeks on end, and I'd keep myself amused."

# 16
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01/13/2021 4:11 pm

Make up your own mind. Pot can make you stupid, and it can make you insightful. How this plays out from individual to individual is an INDIVIDUAL QUANDRY.

I have found it useful in solving writting problems that defied my unstoned brain. For me it has been involved in the discovery of good hooks, and some clever composition. This is stuff the outlast the high of smoking. These songs stand on their own long after the buzz has left the building.....ie.

"If you open your mind, might be surprised what you'd find

from a diffrent point of view.

If you set your thought free as the breeze in the trees

caring not where you are going to.

You might climb to the clouds, those thunderous shouds

of the storms which will bring us life.

Or flow the sea which has set those clouds free

with the sun's golden might.

on an orb deep in space, scribing arcs in it's race

round a star in the dead of night

and the splendor you see runs to infinity...

off with the speed of light.

and it is only life and it ends all to soon.

yet in its lonely plight it lends some meaning to gloom

like a window to the walls of a room."................ copyright

The story is that I got stoned one night and decided to play guitar. My Dad had just died a couple of months prior and I was wrestleing with my feelings. Beating on my ax seemed like a good idea.....The next morning I found one of the best songs I ever wrote waiting for me on the kitchen table. It had written it self for all I could tell. Magic is as magic does.

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# 17
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01/14/2021 11:45 am

if you have an addictive personality Then you can become addicted to almost any thing?

# 18
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01/17/2021 12:25 am

I partake. (Legal in Maine) I use it primarily for spiritual journeying, meditation, etc. but also sometimes for writing.

I haven't noticed it makes a difference one way or another in terms of physical coordination - in fact, I'm always surprised at how little difference it makes and how precise my motor skills are (within reason -- I never get so high as to lose capacity, that's not my bag at all). I have noticed that it often relaxes me when I'm stuck on something, which I would say is a benefit.

But I wouldn't use it if I were looking to focus on a specific motor skill, etc. I don't think it's great for that. I think it's great for relaxing the mind, cutting through creative barriers, etc. when writing, etc. Things that don't require targeted mental focus and rely more on free association, etc.

To that end, I find it beneficial when I'm working on lyrics, mostly. I find it often leads me into places, lyrically, that I wouldn't have gone without it, and "in the morning" when I review what I've written, I'm very happy with it.

Biggest problem -- it wreaks havoc with my short term memory. As in, what was that chord I just played? So if I use it when writing, I have to leave a recorder running in case I write the next Hallelujiah and don't remember what I played...

I wouldn't leave the house while high, nor would I do any professional recording, collaborating, performing (or driving, or operating equipment or cutting anything...), but when alone and practicing/writing, well, I'm pretty sure JD wrote Rocky Mountain High while, you know, high. So I'm good with it.

PS -- Apologies if this is disjointed. It is not because I'm high, it's because I'm stressed out...

"I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk."

# 19
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01/17/2021 1:27 am

Several people have commented that you might think you're doing some really great stuff but then when you're not under the influence, realize that it was rubbish. If you play music at least partially for your own enjoyment, I still think that's something. I think also that it's possible it will enhance you're creativity, or perhaps lessen the degree to which already-learned precepts / practices / habits, etc., guide your behavior and that could lead to some cool stuff and on analysis, insights...or it might not. Echo-ing what Faith said, if you're like me, you might not remember what you did very well (high or not). If I stumble onto something interesting while playing, I'll try to write it down as best I can and probably record it on my phone as well (since I am terrible about accurately transcribing or interpreting rhythm notation). Also, back in the day when I was enjoying weed somewhat routinely, it seemed like the creative thinking that it inspired was mostly for the first year or so, after which that effect gave way to a general lethargy and the feeling that it was affecting me in negative ways even when I wasn't high. YMMV as they say.

# 20

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