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David C
Senior Member
Joined: 06/29/02
Posts: 113
David C
Senior Member
Joined: 06/29/02
Posts: 113
08/13/2002 7:25 pm
It's a great song because it starts out mellow, slow, and beautifully poetic, then builds to that driving crescendo about the "wind on down the road," etc, then resolves back to the slow poetic bit. Of course, many songs start out slow then build force, but not many are as poetic as "Stairway." Music alone doesn't make a song great, in my opinion, it's the poetry, man! That's why "Eruption" won't go down in history as a great song.

Paradise City is rather silly in comparison. I mean: "Take me down to the paradise city, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty." This is utterly insignificant compared to "There's a songbird who sings, sometimes all of our thoughts on his wingtips. There's a lady who's sure, all that glitters is gold," I forget the rest, but you get the idea, right?

Just my opinion, but hey, some people's opinions are better than others. Just kidding!

"It's all right son . . . we told you what to dream"