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Joined: 04/08/01
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08/09/2002 10:03 am
I really dont see the big deal with that song. Maybe for its time its awesome but so far as compared to rock power ballads of late I think it just seems boring.
You have arppegios on not too common chords in the intro which is nice but its so repetitve!! it builds up to the solo which its exactly of a unique style of soloing(maybe for its time tho). I like the thumpin barr chord ending tho!!!

What do you guys think of it?

Its like free bird - yeah its great.. but compared to the outro of Paradise City by guns n roses its nothing!!

I think people tend to like the bands who started things as apposed to those who subsequently did it better.
Its like Mario Kart on the snes - good but nowhere near as good as the N64 version!! People say the snes one is better just to be smart!!