Hi there!
Just joined this site and expect to really get some help with it! It looks like there are good lesson videos! After searching a lot around and even trying out a couple tutorials I think I am somewhat stuck and need some real help. Don't have time/money for lessons. So my only option is online. I have attempted to self learn but I don't feel like I am coming along like I should. And what I have learned has left me with - questions.
[br]I consider myself a beginner at the guitar even after 4 months of having a guitar but don't have all that much time to work with it... :(
So I have learned; [br]Features on the guitar.[br]Can play some chords: G, G7, C, D, D7, Am, E - maybe 1 or 2 more. [br]Can play a couple basic song by ear.[br]I thought I could tune it.
My Questions:
In tuning - with an electric tuner- I think I have messed up something while tuning it (watched a tutorial) as now every time I play it twangs/buzzes and just recently began to rattle - annoying! Seems like the strings are too loose, but according to the electric tuner they need loosened more..?! So How to tune the 'right' way?
Strumming - I understand there are several strumming patterns. But with a simple acoustic guitar what is the best pattern to use for classical songs? I am not into blues, jazz or anything like that right now.
Timing/Beat - I don’t understand anything here. I know there is suppose to be a timing to the strumming and some places rec. a little gadget for that. But I don’t think that is necessary to purchase one...
Humidity - funny question :P But I think it has something to do with the care of an instrument. In the winter here it gets super dry whereas the summer it is super humid with a capital! Anyway the guitar I have now is real basic and a second hand one want to keep it nice anyway. (Until I can save enough for a better one :)
Chords - How many chords are there and how many do I need to learn?
Read notes - Is there a way to learn to read music with a guitar? - Yes, but how?
How are there Notes and Chords for a guitar? Can play the piano with sheet music and am certain there must be a way to do that with a guitar.
Why are there little baby ‘dents’ in the metal fret bar of my guitar?
What is that thing that’s called a ‘circle of fifths’?
What are scales and how do you use them?
What are bar chords and what are they for?
For finger strumming - how do you do that?
What is the quietest method to play?
Why does it sound really good when I hear someone else play and my playing sounds so ‘plain’?
What else do I need to know?
I know this is a lot of questions - a lot! But they are real questions that I have had and tried to look around and find out about so I would really appreciate any help given. Even if not all these can be answered at once that is fine. I can wait too!
Thank you! :)