Hey and welcome to GT!
Originally Posted by: northernmooreFor example Am to Em - Cross the Line I simply cannot make the switch between chords without covering the high E stirng and then I get into a muddle and it all goes to crap.
It takes every individual student a different amount of time and effort to gain the skills required to play guitar. But the same process has to happen for everyone, you have to go through enough repetitious practice until your hands and fingers aquire the strength and dexterity to make it an automatic motion.
What kind of guitar are you using? You don't want to blame your tools if it's a matter of technique. :) But a lot of beginners have been hindered by a guitar with bad action, poor set up or neck too big for their hands.
Regarding the specific problem of chord changes, it can help to just focus on the problem area.
Play the A minor chord, make sure it rings clearly. Then switch to the E minor chord, make sure it rings clearly. Repeat!
But just strum each chord once. Don't worry about getting into a strumming pattern until you can get from one chord to the next cleanly.
Hope that helps! Best of success.
Christopher Schlegel
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