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Joined: 02/21/18
Posts: 3
Registered User
Joined: 02/21/18
Posts: 3
02/27/2018 8:30 am

Turning 36 this year, I've always wanted to play. So I bought a beat up six string in a second hand store. Signed up for Guitar Tricks and started going through the beginner lesssons. Struggling through basic cord changes, my fingers on fire. I lost my one pick that came with the guitar. I drove to my local Guitar Center a few cities over, had my Fender acostic restrung and cleaned. I saw this one guitar, from across the room. The finish was completely screaming my name. Twenty minutes later, I left with brand new strings, a clean used guitar, a bag full of picks and the one on the wall.

Fender Soronan (Secondhand Store)

Luna Gype Spalt GC (Guitar Center)