Absolute Beginner

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02/11/2018 7:49 pm

Hi everyone!

l’ve wanted to learn guitar for ages. Bought a really cheap second hand one (I know - it sounds like a bag of spanners!) my plan is to start learning and if I pick it up, invest in a shiny new guitar. Going to learn on an acoustic and maybe take up electric later.

I’m loving what I have seen from Guitar Tricks so far! It seems like it will help me get to my new guitar quickly!

# 1
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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02/11/2018 8:42 pm

Hey & welcome to GT!

Originally Posted by: henriettadavis

l’ve wanted to learn guitar for ages. Bought a really cheap second hand one (I know - it sounds like a bag of spanners!) my plan is to start learning and if I pick it up, invest in a shiny new guitar. Going to learn on an acoustic and maybe take up electric later.

Great plan. Best of success with your guitar learning & playing!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 2
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02/14/2018 3:06 am

Hey there!

Total beginner here, I'm 49 and always wanted to play guitar. Finally purchased an electric guitar and amp. It's been very frustrating these past 3 weeks. My fingers don't go where I want them to go and so forth. Been practicing everyday for at least 30 to 45 minutes. I just hope that by the end of the year I will be able to play the guitar with ease. I know it's going to take time, but for sure I will never give up on this. Looks like GuitarTricks will lead the way for me.


# 3
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02/14/2018 3:05 pm

Make sure as a beginner you develop good habits early. It's a good idea to have someone slowly walk you through proper left hand and right hand technique and the right way to hold guitar sitting and standing. This is especially the case if you have any recurring physical issues (back pain, elbow issues, etc.).

# 4
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02/15/2018 5:35 pm

7 months in here! I can string a few chords together and make them sound nice. Fingers still not behaving, but they get better every day!

Keep it up! I found guitar tricks much better than the free videos on youtube! Mainly because i'm such a cheapskate and I can't face not using something i've paid for!

# 5

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