Dave: I believe Johnny Winter had a pretty cool tune back in his heyday that was titled something like this...........but I put myself to a test, I studied your nice SRV lesson very thoroughly and then purposely didn't attempt the Texas shuffle for a few weeks.......but then just did this weekend. At best, 50% came back to me!!? Perhaps I'm too harsh on myself or guitar dementia has kicked in but.......I was able to refigure some parts like that cool double stop solo run after some trial and error but.......I did go from at least being comfortable with this nice lesson a few weeks back to at least semi lost? Any professional advice into retention besides playing various parts to death and beyond?? The problem with over practicing is two fold: 1. Maintaining an interest factor without getting almost bored (no offense.......almost anything even a good thing can do this) and 2. Then not wanting to jam to these nice lessons because I've overdone it. Thanks!! Jim C.