yeah I can relate to that alot, cause I did the samething and although I got a great responce. I could sense some tension within my band itself. They thought I was trying to be the star, although that wasn't the case. I was just trying to play the best music I could. The tension between me and the other members of my band was tearing us apart. We just started to distance ourselves and we started to compete with each other for the spotlight. These were my brothers (not by blood, you know what i'm saying.)too, and we began to hate each other, and our music showed. It just turned into who looks the best in this particular song. I believe in this motto,"The more you try to impress the less you impress". The truth is nobody looked good, cause the music as a whole was sh#t. IF you have ever heard a band talk about, "the magic". This comes from bands that can work together, compromise, and understand each other. And not try to make one person look good, but the whole band. This I believe is what makes or breaks a band, so just have fun and work together, the better your band sounds as a whole the more you will achieve. That's the point isn't it?
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.