I noticed using the scale tools using the bflat ionian i noticed a Fx where the G note at the start of the position. Also some other notes in the scale did not correspond to the correct note. can someone explain?
scale question using scale tools

That scale finder view is kind of a misleading, if you are displaying notes instead of scale degrees. When displaying notes the tool shows the enharmonic notes always as sharps #. A mark x (Fx) is meaning a double sharp F##, which is enharmonically the same as G.
I suggest to learn the scales as scale degrees and fingering patterns, not memorize the absolute notes on each scale.
The key of Bb major is typically noted with a key signature of two flats. The flatted notes are Bb and Eb.
This way the notes of Bb major are
Bb - C - D - Eb - F - G - A (-Bb)
The scale finder tool present the enharmonic sharp values of the same pitches
A# - B# - Cx - D# - E# - Fx - Gx
This makes sense, why the key signature is 2 flats, instead of sharps
Originally Posted by: michaelbee01I noticed using the scale tools using the bflat ionian i noticed a Fx where the G note at the start of the position. Also some other notes in the scale did not correspond to the correct note. can someone explain?
Thanks for replying, Jarkko!
The Scale Finder currently only shows scale notes in sharps or double sharps. I'm hoping it can be updated in a future build. For now the work around is to mouse over the notes. If you do that, then there's a little pick symbol that appears over each note & displays the sharp & flat note.
So, you can see that B-flat for example is A# & Bb.
Hope that helps!