Not so long ago, I posted a thread titled Building Speed ( amongst many others; and as always many came to help with advises and opinions and LOTS of love. To that, I'm thankful.
When I joined back in February, I thought of Metallica's Master Of Puppets as one of the hardest songs to play, it was always this song on the high pedestal that I could never master (no pun intended)... 7 months later, this morning, I played it note by note, in the original tempo (without the main solo yet) and I couldn't be happier for such a huge achievement, and it made me really happy.
I couldn't have done so without the lessons here, without the great instructors, and without all of you. Special thanks go to Christopher Schlegel for always being there.
GT helped me way more than I could ever imagine, and I'm still at the beginning. So I thought I owed you guys a big thank you for the knowledge and help you bestowed upon me.
So, thank you from all my heart. :)