Palm Mute Technique

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Joined: 08/31/17
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Joined: 08/31/17
Posts: 2
08/31/2017 8:04 am

Hello everyone. I'm new comer. I've played guitar for just 2 months and I come here with the hope that I can learn from all of you and improve my skills.[br]Well, at the moment, I'm practicing "faded" of Alan Walker. I learn to play from a video on youtube and the instructor introduce a technique called "palm mute" for the chorus part of the song.

I tried but it didn't sound good. What should I do to improve it? Further more, is it harmful to my guitar as I feel I beat mine quite strong?!

And another thing I want to ask is which better? Self-taght or taking a course? Well, actually I practice myself, and sometimes I find it quite hard (encourage, patience) and my friend introduced me a music training app but it is not free so I don't know whether it will be worth my money or not. And if I take a course, an online or offline is better? I just want to get some details information before paying for guitartricks' lessons.

Thank all of you.

# 1
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,532
08/31/2017 11:33 am

Hey, there!

Originally Posted by: latislevine1997

I learn to play from a video on youtube and the instructor introduce a technique called "palm mute" for the chorus part of the song.

I tried but it didn't sound good. What should I do to improve it?[/quote]

I don't know exactly what the instructor is showing or what you are doing, but it sounds like you need to adjust the position of your hand (either back toward the bridge or up toward the sound hole), and-or put less pressure on the strings.

Originally Posted by: latislevine1997

Further more, is it harmful to my guitar as I feel I beat mine quite strong?!


In general it's only necessary to strum or fret just as much as needed to get a sound. Too much is inefficient, unnecessary & actualy hinders your playing by making it harder to get to the next physical motion & wears you & the guitar out!


And another thing I want to ask is which better? Self-taght or taking a course?

Either way is acceptable if it works for you. :)[br][br]An instructor or online course can help point you in the right direction making your learning quicker, more efficient, less confusing. This can result in less frustration & more enjoyment!

Teaching yourself works if you are willing to go through a trial & error & maybe taking a few wrong turns along the way.


And if I take a course, an online or offline is better? I just want to get some details information before paying for guitartricks' lessons.

We'd love to have you here at GT! :) Our courses can definitely teach you to play from the very beginner stages all the way to playing songs.

But the main thing you need to remember is that regardless of which way you choose, online, offline, GT or another site, you have to put in the practice time. No resource that you buy or watch is a substitute for hours & days of practicing your guitar.

Hope this helps! Best of success with your guitar learning!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 2

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