Originally Posted by: Steve BarrowI notice that some guitarists use string dampers at the end of the neck and I wondered what your views were on this practice. For example Doug Fearman uses one in his GT courses.
Hey, Steve.
I think if it helps you then go for it. I think it's a good idea to learn proper muting technique & playing skills without using one, so you've got the basics covered. But if it helps you to make better music, then go for it!
I think it helps a great deal if you play a style with a super high gain tone, or if you use two hand tapping technique a lot. I've seen Guthrie Govan use one on some YT vids. And that guy is amazing! He certainly doesn't need one, but he obviously finds it useful for certain playing situations.
There actually is a mechanical device that I've seen on older guitars that has a swivled muting bar attached to the headstock. George Van Eps used one and that guy was also amazing. I think he used it to mute open strings when he played more complex chord melody arrangements.[br][br]Here's a pic of Van Eps using one.[br][br]http://www.spoonercentral.com/2009/RedGuitar/VanEps2.jpg
[br][br]And if you've never heard this guy play, do yourself a favor. :)[br][br]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FctFQZOqGXk
The original 7-string, chord melody guy! Always tasteful, always swinging & stellar ideas, arrangement & playing. Enjoy!
Hope this helps!
Christopher Schlegel
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