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Joined: 05/12/17
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Registered User
Joined: 05/12/17
Posts: 7
05/14/2017 4:17 pm

Hey thanks guys for your replies to my post, I really appreciate it. I would like to address some things you guys have asked. Yes I do have goals on the guitar that I would like to enjoy. In fact I have a sheet full of songs that I would like to learn within 8 months , and the list has over 10 songs. I also take lessons and learn the songs that I believe have a technique in them that I would need to learn from my teacher to understand how to play it. Right now I am learning Mr. Crowley- Ozzy Osbourne and the chords and stuff have become fairly easy. I have reached a point where chord progressions are pretty simple to me. The thing I have slight trouble with in that song is the licks, but I know how to sit down and get them up to speed. I have started learning the first solo with my teacher and god damn it is crazy. The reason why I wanted to learn this is becuase it would help boost my alternate picking skill and speed in terms of playing solos. So that will address maggior. I will also do some thinking over the next couple of days to see why I really play guitar and to find myself in my own guitar playing. Thanks guys for your respones, I really appreciate it.
