Maggior is correct here. You want to have a focused practice session and not worry too much about how many hours you're putting in.
If you've been playing for a little while already, and you mentioned that you've been playing for roughly 2 years, you should start playing music you like to listen to.
This is how I learned to play guitar. The first couple of years I spent learning the core guitar fundamentals like chords, barre chords, scales, keys, etc. I learned a few songs but eventually I hit a roadblock. I was feeling unmotivated and uninterested until I started to learn some Beatles songs. I really like the Beatles and I remember trying to play Beatles stuff early in my guitar playing but I wasn't able to, I just wasn't good enough yet. But after a few years of playing, I went back to those songs I had trouble with and then I was able to play them. This gave me a ton of satisfaction and it was really fun.
My advice, play and learn the songs you like to listen to.
Another thing, don't overdo it. Doing anything for more than hour a day is exhausting. Practice for 30 minutes a day, and focus it on something you really enjoy, like learning a new song or something.
Also, playing with others is super fun and you learn quite a lot from playing music with others.
I hope to hear your progress soon.