[i]my addiction[i]
Originally posted by kimbob
You can play your guitar while your in the shower. Just don't plug it in.
Originally posted by kimbob
Getting your fingers wet is not going to effect your callouses at all. You can play your guitar as soon as you get out of the shower. You can play your guitar while your in the shower. Just don't plug it in.
Originally posted by Incidents Happen
after my mom saw my callouses (big and thick and phatty) and noticed that my right hand (my pick hand) wasnt like that at all, she asked me, why my left hand looks dirty. Now, i wasnt going to lie, i told her it was because, as she knows, i play a ton, but what she didnt know is that whenever theres a possability of my hands getting wet, i only get my right hand wet (for instance, in the shower, the one handed sideshow), because my callouses kept getting worn away by the damn water (well okay, hardly any was worn away, but the callouses would be less hard than they were before the shower). That sort of slipped out of my mouth and my mom thinks i should see a psychologist now. not sure if she's kidding or not, but hey is there any formula so that the callouses wont wear away, but you can still wash them?
Try dipping your fingers in battery acid. It does wonders.
[i]my addiction[i]
Originally posted by Locomotive breathCool out, son. This is no place for personal attacks.
Try dipping your fingers in battery acid. It does wonders...
Originally posted by Locomotive breath
I don't think you can play chop stix.