Advice Needed

Grease Hammer
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Grease Hammer
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02/24/2017 11:32 pm

So, I've been chugging along through Guitar Fundamentals 1 and now we've begun playing songs with chords. I have it down for the most part, but sometimes when switching to or from G, I mess up or take longer than I should. That's the only chord I have an issues with so far. Should I continue past the song because I have it mostly down or should I only continue once I have it pretty much perfect?

# 1
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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02/25/2017 3:00 pm

Glad to hear you are working through GF1.

Originally Posted by: Grease Hammer

Should I continue past the song because I have it mostly down or should I only continue once I have it pretty much perfect?

Great question! You should do both. [br][br]Keep going forward in the course so you don't lose interest or momentum. Keep learning new things. At the same time, make time in your practicing to go back over old lessons until you have mastered them completely. Until the arey second nature. You aren't really done with a lesson until you completely understand the idea &, or can do the skill being taught.

For as long as we play guitar we'll keep going over the basics, keep refining things we've already learned while we make new progress at the same time!

Hope this helps. Please ask more if necessary. Have fun!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 2
Grease Hammer
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Grease Hammer
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02/26/2017 7:41 pm

Thank you. I'll try that.

# 3
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03/07/2017 11:41 am

Getting the pinkie on the 3rd fret is always a hit or miss for me, unless i play 'a g d a g e' over and over to keep on top of it, just happens to be the chords for pretty vacant....turn it up! (3rd fret!)

# 4

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