Hey everyone!
Just joined a little over a week ago. What a great site!
I've played for 20 years minus a 4 year hiatus after college when I got fed up from not progressing. But I started over and skimmed through most of the fundamentals very quickly. This is good stuff and I am totally recommending this for my buddy who's little son wants to start guitar. A little too basic for me, but man I wish I had something like this when I started.
(I started with guitar for dummies...for real. After finally convincing my parents to buy me a squier starter kit for my birthday when I made it to high school)
I'm now onto Blues 1 with Anders. What a great teacher. I was completely self taught and simply had no one to show me a lot of the roots stuff, so this is good for me to really reset a foundation. And who knew the 12 bar blues with a cool turn around and endless variations could be so fun?
I also ended every day with Mike's lesson on Touch of Grey (another awesome teacher). Have the song down and am now jammin with the album, just working through the solo currently.
This site has me looking forward to getting home and picking up the old tele everyday after work. All the instruction methods out there - which I've tried a ton, including in person teachers just seem to be so haphazard. Finally a site with structure and steps of progression, and get this down then move onto this kind of layout!
Lovin it!