So I'm new to guitar. I've been playing maybe 2 months and I just learned the d chord and had issues with it but got it somewhat down... Now I'm on the c chord and having issues getting all the notes to ring out. Can I get any tips or anything to help? It's kind of frustrating. My strings are new and my neck should be perfect since I just got a brand new fender jim root telecaster... So it's definitely my fault.
Issues with chords
Hey & welcome to GT & the guitar!
Originally Posted by: boothissucks[p]I encourage you to work through the Guitar Fundamentals course.I've been playing maybe 2 months and I just learned the d chord and had issues with it but got it somewhat down... Now I'm on the c chord and having issues getting all the notes to ring out. Can I get any tips or anything to help?
There might be some material that you can easily work through, but eventually you'll hit a wall. And that's where you need to dig in, learn & start to practice. A lot. :)[br][br]Have fun!
I'm up to the c chord in the fundimentals course and everything else has been pretty easy. Now it's just getting more difficult to make chords and have all the notes ring out. I guess that's just part of the learning process I'm going to do some bad things before I succeed. And yeah I practice for about an hour and a half to two hours every night right after I get off work.
I know the feeling. I just started in mid-December, and after getting through the early lessons pretty quickly, the chord changes portion of Fundamentals 1 took me multiple weeks just to get the first 5-chord set somewhat down (practicing every day!). As Chris posted, you WILL improve with practice, just incrementally :-)