Prog Jam

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02/03/2017 5:00 am

I saw this jamtrack posted somewhere and decided to take a whack at it. It's labeled "prog rock". It's straight time and a bit ballady, but outside the usual i-iv-v thing...I guess that makes it "progressive".

Not in my wheelhouse, but I really had fun with this. It's good to experiment with some "out fo the box" notes. There's some "the *right* note is only a fret away" going on in here at times...some to a nice though untinentional effect :). Pardon some of the sloppiness...there are some faster licks toward the end that ALMOST stayed on track.

Hope you enjoy listening!

# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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02/04/2017 1:29 am

Thanks for sharing.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 2
Grease Hammer
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Grease Hammer
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02/09/2017 11:34 pm

How long have you been playing? Just curious because you sound really good. Also, did you start off using Guitar Tricks or did you join the site after already having some experience? Oh, also don't want to forget to mention, I really enjoyed that song.

# 3
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02/10/2017 4:00 pm
Originally Posted by: justgresh

How long have you been playing? Just curious because you sound really good. Also, did you start off using Guitar Tricks or did you join the site after already having some experience? Oh, also don't want to forget to mention, I really enjoyed that song.

Thanks for listening and your kind words. Good questions...

I've been playing off and on for 30+ years. As a teenager, my friend who was taking lessons taught me basic stuff. In 2000, I took private lessons for a year. Before coming to GT 4 years ago, I was a rhythm player that could play some lead riffs and basic solos. My main goal joining GT was to learn how to improvise and improve my lead playing. I went through the Core lessons quickly and then went through the Blues course. It was in the second part of it that the "rubber hit the road" for me and I had to dig in.

Between Anders' lessons and the advice he gave me, I was finally able to improvise much better than I had been.

# 4
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03/08/2017 12:34 am

This is awesome! Thanks for posting. Your vibrato and bends are killer.

# 5
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03/08/2017 6:08 pm
Originally Posted by: winryember

This is awesome! Thanks for posting. Your vibrato and bends are killer.

Thanks for your kind comments!!! Glad you enjoyed the track. I've done some other stuff I've done since then that I'm pretty happy with. Ater a LONG time of feeling as though I was not progressing much, I had a bit of a leap. It's a cotinuous journey :).

# 6

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