That economy-picking that someone told - I did't get it. Maybe it's hard to explain but...
Alternate Picking vs. Economy Picking

Well, I don't know much of diffderent picking styles, but I mostly use DownUpDownUp-style. Is that alternetive picking or what...? I really don't know.
That economy-picking that someone told - I did't get it. Maybe it's hard to explain but...
That economy-picking that someone told - I did't get it. Maybe it's hard to explain but...
# 1

Is economy picking the same as sweep or circular picking?
Sounding better is in your head ,not your amp.
# 2
Check out the other post I made, that explains it as well as I know how to. I suppose yes it is sweep picking in a way, since you sweep from string to string. I don't know what circular picking.
btw: Since I first posted this message, I've been concentrating heavily on alternate picking, and for anyone in the same dilema I was in when I first posted should know that beginners should learn alternate picking first. My playing is so much more clean and fluid now than it was before. I agree that it is best to learn both methods. I think economy picking has great uses, but usually only in little parts, not shredding through an entire scale or anything.
btw: Since I first posted this message, I've been concentrating heavily on alternate picking, and for anyone in the same dilema I was in when I first posted should know that beginners should learn alternate picking first. My playing is so much more clean and fluid now than it was before. I agree that it is best to learn both methods. I think economy picking has great uses, but usually only in little parts, not shredding through an entire scale or anything.
# 3

Circular picking is the same thing as sweep picking.
Sounding better is in your head ,not your amp.
# 4

You should use economy picking (hammer on and pull off) when you want to achieve a clean sound with not to much overdrive (Joe Satriani, Vai, etc) and alternate when you want to make a 16 note per-second malmsteen's lick. A tip: if you have a strato, try economy picking with your middle pick-up, it sound quite better. If you have problems with alternate picking, you should try placing your pick in the last fret and gently pressuring it, so you can get more stability. You might want to use your neck pickup, because using the bridge pickup sounds HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!
# 5

Check out this topic for more on econ vs. alt picking
this for circular picking
this for circular picking
# 6
Check this guys YouTube channel. Very interesting stuff if you’re into body mechanics etc
# 7

Originally Posted by: what is economy picking?
Economy picking is a guitar picking technique designed to maximize picking efficiency by combining alternate picking and sweep picking. Specifically: When picking multiple notes on a string, alternate picking is used. When changing to a new string, sweep picking is used
# 8