Originally Posted by: Abadezi just need a little help about the song structure which i face a little bit of confusion, i will show you my parts and i need you to guide me in fixing them as in terms of a standard way, so that in the future i will be able to come up with my own style gradually, the structure is as follows:
This tutorial covers the functions of various chord progressions.
So functional harmony tells us that in the key of B minor your chords have these functions:
B minor - tonic
D - intermediate
E minor - subdominant
F#7 - dominant
But, you could also use this order:
B minor - tonic
E minor - subdominant
D - intermediate
E minor - subdominant
F#7 - dominant
Or this order:
E minor - subdominant
F#7 - dominant
B minor - tonic
But without a melody there's no way to judge which one is best. You need to create a melody in order to have a song & a plan for which chords to use when & for how long.
A melody is a series of single note pitches that will be played or sung as the focal point floating over the chords helping to integrate them.
Without a melody, the only possible answer is: those chords are fine if you like the sound of them. Once you start to create a melody you can start to determine which chord best suits your purposes.
Without a melody, it's like you are asking me, "What should I write a song about?" The only answer I have is, "What do you want to write a song about?"
With all that in mind, let's look at your chords.
Originally Posted by: Abadez
First set or page: Bm + A + Em + Bm + A + Em + Dm + Em + F#7
Second set or page: Bm + A + Em + F#7
Third set or page: Bm + A + Em + Bm + A + Em + Dm + Em + F#7 < ( Same as 1st set )
Fourth set or page: Bm + Bm + A + A + Em + Em + D + D + F#7 + F#7
Any of those could be right. You can use the function harmony concepts to see that they can all be labeled, but without a melody to guide them there's just no way to judge if, for example, you have the E minor chords in the wrong place. Make sense?
now, i need you to suggest me how can i build a structure for Ex. ( The intro - Verse - Chorus - Solo - Outro ) , Based on the chords as above. with a simple suggestion that could save a huge time to figure out that.
I think you should study some of your favorite songs or song writers to see how they made structures that you like. That will be the best way for you to learn how to make songs you like. Because, again,
without a melody I have no way of helping you decide if those chords are right or which order to use them!
Best of success!
Christopher Schlegel
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