much in need of help and the same will make a huge difference to my understanding so thanks for any contribution.
i am a beginner. please ignore anything that i must have avoided.
Originally Posted by: gshuk13lets say i am going from C-D-E-G to play note D i have to use the 3rd finger for both Ds...while doing this i have to find a pivot(which is the E on higher string) on the higher string to go back to the lower string ...[/quote]
You can do it that way & I'll offer suggestions on that later. For now, consider that you can play the same note in more than one place on the guitar. So, any time you find something difficult, look for another option. For example, if I have to play pentatonic in 4s fast, I typically shift positions so I can use the same picking patterns & muting. Like this:
This means that you have to shift positions, but the trade off is that the picking & muting is greatly simplified.
[QUOTE=gshuk13]... but this creates a bit of sound which should not be there. i am guessing the solution is to mute the higher E(in this case) by using the right hand finger or soft pressure release on the left hand finger pressing the any of the approaches correct or is there a better way to sound clean?
Originally Posted by: gshuk13 got all the answers(more in fact and it all made sense) i was looking for and some words of assurance too!
Originally Posted by: ChristopherSchlegelYou're welcome!
Good deal. Glad it made sense. That's definitely what we're after. :)