Rock Smith 2014

Sparky Foxx
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Sparky Foxx
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08/03/2015 9:01 pm
Hey, so I have a little extra cash and was thinking about buy the video game RockSmith 2014. Before I do though I want to ask if anyone has any opinions on the game?? Is it actually helpful? I wouldn't try and use it as my main tool for learing guitar but maybe just as something fun to do in my free time.
# 1
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08/05/2015 9:29 am
I own Rocksmith 2014 and it's really good fun, if you have some spare cash then go for it :)
# 2
GT Staff
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08/05/2015 4:44 pm
Originally Posted by: sparkyoneonetwoHey, so I have a little extra cash and was thinking about buy the video game RockSmith 2014. Before I do though I want to ask if anyone has any opinions on the game?? Is it actually helpful? I wouldn't try and use it as my main tool for learing guitar but maybe just as something fun to do in my free time.

I've never tried it. I'd be tempted to stick with a regular guitar, although I know Rocksmith has a fairly good reputation.
# 3
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08/05/2015 5:20 pm
Originally Posted by: GT StaffI've never tried it. I'd be tempted to stick with a regular guitar, although I know Rocksmith has a fairly good reputation.

I do own and play Rocksmith on occasion, more to have fun and supplement learning than as a main tool (that what Guitar Tricks is for!). I'm not sure what you mean by regular guitar. If you mean traditional teaching or notation that is one thing. But as for the guitar itself I use the same Ibanez Gio and Epiphone DOT with Rocksmith as I do for any other guitar lessons, you just plug into the game console instead of an amp.
# 4
Sparky Foxx
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Sparky Foxx
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08/05/2015 5:39 pm
Originally Posted by: SJWeissenI do own and play Rocksmith on occasion, more to have fun and supplement learning than as a main tool (that what Guitar Tricks is for!). I'm not sure what you mean by regular guitar. If you mean traditional teaching or notation that is one thing. But as for the guitar itself I use the same Ibanez Gio and Epiphone DOT with Rocksmith as I do for any other guitar lessons, you just plug into the game console instead of an amp.

I was wondering the same. I don't really know what you mean by "regular guitar."

I did buy it played it a bit it's pretty fun I love the arcade style games you can play using the guitar. I don't think I'd ever use it as a way to really learn guitar as it seems kinda lacking in it's lessons it offers but it's been fun playing the game and I'm happy I bought it.
# 5
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08/06/2015 5:31 pm
Sorry to not be clear folks. By "regular" guitar, I am referring to teaching methods/notation, etc.

I probably should have said a "traditional approach."

Sorry for the confusing language.
# 6
Sparky Foxx
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Sparky Foxx
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08/06/2015 8:04 pm
Originally Posted by: GT StaffSorry to not be clear folks. By "regular" guitar, I am referring to teaching methods/notation, etc.

I probably should have said a "traditional approach."

Sorry for the confusing language.

That's what I thought you meant just wanted to be sure.
# 7
Dan Vasc
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08/10/2015 5:56 pm
I aways wondered if Rocksmith is worth something to learn guitar. So it's not so effective?
# 8
Sparky Foxx
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Sparky Foxx
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08/10/2015 9:31 pm
Originally Posted by: Dan VascI aways wondered if Rocksmith is worth something to learn guitar. So it's not so effective?

I guess it kinda depends on what your looking to get out of the game. It has lessons and stuff but nothing that's all that great in my opinion. To learn a song it's pretty cool because you can pick what section of the song to play pick how fast to play it. Pick to play lead, bass or rhythm. If you are trying to learn a solo you can use a tool called rift repeater and just keep repeating the solo till you get it, speed up or slow down the solo to help you learn the notes. It's a lot of fun for me but I use it as what it is a game and not so much as a tool to learn guitar. I have learnt a few really cool riffs using the game though as well as Bob Dylan's version of Knockin on Heavens Door.

Took a few hours of playing the game and now I can play Knockin on Heavens Door with out the game.

So it can help you learn stuff but I'd never recommend using the game alone to learn guitar.
# 9
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08/28/2015 7:29 am
Originally Posted by: sparkyoneonetwoI did buy it played it a bit it's pretty fun I love the arcade style games you can play using the guitar. I don't think I'd ever use it as a way to really learn guitar as it seems kinda lacking in it's lessons it offers but it's been fun playing the game and I'm happy I bought it.

So it's really just for fun, not really helpful for learning? I was considering adding it to my learning tool belt, but if it's really not worth it.........?
# 10
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10/12/2015 4:59 pm
Originally Posted by: Peter_HinweisSo it's really just for fun, not really helpful for learning? I was considering adding it to my learning tool belt, but if it's really not worth it.........?

I would say it's primarily for fun but it is helpful for learning. I think anything that gets and keeps you playing guitar more is contributing to your learning. I don't use it as a focus to learn new techniques or anything but more as a means to get more time on the guitar. Some days after a hard day at work, I'm too blown out to focus on "lessons" but Rocksmith is a fun escape that keeps me playing.
# 11
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11/10/2015 2:28 pm
I originally started my guitar journey with Rocksmith 2014 and have to say it did a very good job of keeping the desire burning. What Rocksmith does well is getting you to keep the guitar in your hands (always trying to improve your score) but where I found it lacking, (and why I wound up here) is hammering in the fundamentals and building that solid foundation.

There are lessons that cover the basics and games that are designed to help build skills but I found the lessons to be a little too shallow and the "Guitarcade" games more frustrating than fun. However, as a way to learn actual songs, I think they have done a wonderful job. I recommend it to anyone wanting more options.
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10/09/2020 9:44 am

Good post, thanks!

# 13

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