Hi, brand new again at 53

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07/07/2015 11:06 pm
Hello forum members.
I was a drummer in school as a kid, but life made that hard to stay with at the time.
Jump ahead 35 or so years: Kids are grown, life and career are settled...time to get back to drums....but wait...drums are loud and not much fun to play alone in the long term...hmm.

My son plays guitar fairly well & while proud, I have always been envious of that. I had tried to learn guitar several times but always grew easily frustrated and walked away.
Well, I am calmer and more focused now, and what the hell! Fender was right: "Stop Dreaming, Start Playing!" So I did.
Add to this my son being able to give hints & tips and the uncountable resources on the internet, I didn't walk away this time.
Four months in, I cannot put either of my guitars down. I purchased a Fender FA-100 acoustic and got started. About a month later, I bought a Squier by Fender "Stop Dreaming,..." kit-SSS Affinity Stratocaster in black.

I should've done this decades ago......
Fender FA-100
Squier Affinity Strat SSS black
Fender Frontman 10G
(Hey, stop snickering....I'm a rookie!)
# 1
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07/07/2015 11:18 pm
I'm a follower of Audley Freed, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Luther Dickenson, Brad Paisley, BB King, and many others.

And many thanks to Les Paul & Leo Fender(in no particular intended order)
Fender FA-100
Squier Affinity Strat SSS black
Fender Frontman 10G
(Hey, stop snickering....I'm a rookie!)
# 2
GT Staff
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07/08/2015 5:13 pm
Originally Posted by: denny106
Four months in, I cannot put either of my guitars down. I purchased a Fender FA-100 acoustic and got started. About a month later, I bought a Squier by Fender "Stop Dreaming,..." kit-SSS Affinity Stratocaster in black.

I should've done this decades ago......

This warms the soul.

Keep it up buddy and best of luck to you!
# 3
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07/10/2015 10:09 pm
Hey Denny.. Welcome to GT.. Plenty here to lear when you get signed up for full membership..
# 4

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