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Joined: 06/07/15
Posts: 5
Full Access
Joined: 06/07/15
Posts: 5
06/13/2015 8:06 am
Hi All

I live in Scotland and after 27 years of playing around pubs and clubs and recently retiring from the scene I have decided to take myself from the beginning and reteach myself. I basically busked my way through those years but very much considered myself a very amateur guitarist, I got away with it as my own wind pipes could hold a decent tune.

So I have made a decision to start at the beginning and make my way through the course, undoing old habits and hopefully get a little closer to being the guitarist I should have been by now.😀

Trouble was really having to play all those years surviving of the cuff meant little time to learn in a disciplined way. It did bring its own experience and memory's for a lifetime.

Anyway thanks for your ear, I like the way the course is laid out and the $99
Is a fantastic price for so much knowledge on so many styles.

Take care and enjoy your own journey

