Video Is Broken!

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04/20/2015 2:21 am
Over the past many days the videos are starting and stopping, the glitch getting progressively worse and to the point where the Creep video doesn't restart, it just hangs.

The computer software is up to date so the issue is isolated to the GuitarTricks site as I am not having this video issue on any other web site.

We need to get this fixed right away. I've got a lot of time and money tied up in equipment and lessons and wrangling with faulty video for 45-minutes and ending up with no lesson is frustrating, to say the least...

I'm not spending another day with tech support and so forth and so on. If we can't get this fixed without another round of mind numbing fixes...I'm dropping the internet altogether and doing video lessons offline.

This is old technology, it shouldn't be this much of a problem ever. Software should be released until it is stable, period.

...I've grown weary of the internet. It's hampering productivity these days.
# 1
john of MT
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john of MT
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04/20/2015 4:29 pm
There is a lot of 'stuff' between 'us' and Guitar Tricks. The network is full of nodes and relays and many/most times when videos slow, stutter, or hang up it is one of the key points in the internet's backbone that is the problem.

Significantly during these types of problems, neither your/our ISP nor Guitar Tricks can do anything more than report it...the problem will be cleared up eventually but, in my experience, not particularly quickly.

It might be you and your set up, it might be your ISP, it might be Guitar Tricks but chances are it's none of these but the backbone instead. When I had the problem last spring here's what GT and I found out;

"Your tracert report shows that your route to GT servers goes through Level3 and indicated a connection time out. Other users have reported connection problems and their tracert reports have also identified problems within Level3's networks. Level3 is a tier 2/ tier 3 service provider, and they help connect various ISP's such as Comcast and AT&T, essentially serving as the "backbone" of the Internet."

Frustrating I know...
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 2
Ben Martin
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Ben Martin
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04/20/2015 5:23 pm

Sorry to hear of the issues. john of MT is right but we'd like to have you run the traceroute and answer some questions about your set-up to see if there's anything we can do. Sometimes our tech team can reroute you and the problem goes away.

I'll have someone email you some instructions.

# 3
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04/21/2015 12:38 pm
Thank you for the replies. After I posted my concerns, the issue cleared up! It was a meer-ah-cul! It was so nice breezing through the lessons after the clog cleared.

...why does this stuff always happen at critical junctures? (rhetorical question)

...I climbed a mountain and I turned around.
...saw a computer monster trying to drag me down.

...if you see my refledction in cold cover steel...
...the computer monster dragged me down...and ate me.

# 4
Ben Martin
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Ben Martin
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04/21/2015 4:18 pm
Glad things are working for you again!
# 5
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04/21/2015 5:08 pm
Originally Posted by: Ben MartinGlad things are working for you again!

Me too! Thanks again!

Interestingly, I did nothing to fix it myself. My roommate was sitting here watching the event unfold and said..."restart the computer"... I said...", there's something else going on here." No restart, no cookie cleaning, nothing. It started working right again after I posted up! Haven't had a problem since.

Maybe it's one of them there artificial computers having fun with us guitarists!

All kidding aside; at first it was a bit glitchy, an occasional interruption in a song, then the beginning of almost every song would hang but restart and work, then...the songs just started hanging. Read something about "slow" a few days ago. It got worse over the last few days. Was patient then...a complete hang, one after the next.

My playing is coming along nicely, btw! Amazing lessons! Welp, back to the grind!
# 6

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