Chapman ML-1 BEA
I'm in love with so many things about this guitar. It sounds so good and the photos do not in any way give it's beauty justice. You would really have to see it in person to understand! I have the option still to return it which is why I gave this new company a chance in the first place.
I know how opinionated people can get over brands or floyd rose vs fixed bridge, but I'm not at all interested in that kind of nonsense. I just need help with what I have going on here.
So to the point... the floyd rose system is, well kinda interesting. It takes a bit of work, but I have the time and patience to deal with it. I do not have experience with it at all so I have a question.
When I completely dump it or if i push down the tremolo bar several times it comes back flat by quite a bit. Should I be looking at this being a major issue with these bridges or is there a way to set this up so that it does not do this?
I will add in that yes the strings are very much completely stretched out and played for hours. When I pull the tremolo bar out and then release it the strings go back in tune.