Originally Posted by: icebreaker1588
When I completely dump it or if i push down the tremolo bar several times it comes back flat by quite a bit. Should I be looking at this being a major issue with these bridges or is there a way to set this up so that it does not do this?
No, it is not a major issue with the bridges if it is set up right. When I had guitars with a Floyd (and I've had a few), they were very reliable in tuning once it's set up right. The bridge is a floating mechanism which means that the string tension has to equally offset the spring tension. If that tension is off, you will have tuning issues. There are a number of factors such as tension versus string diameter (ie - .09's or .10's), how many springs (I believe I saw this one came with a spare spring. Once the right tension is struck and the bridge balances (floats), you're all good. Newness of strings is important too ut you'd said you've played it for a good few hours.
You may still want to each of your strings a tug to stretch them. Just be careful to not tug too hard.
A good set up tech should be able to get this done for you.