Just when I thought I had an original idea!

I've had this idea for a "NEW&BETTER" neck joint in my head for awhile, an original idea, my own little piece of intellectual property, something I thought I could call my own, how I loved my little idea, life was so good, just me and my idea, then it happened, I had never been on Ed Romans website before, but last night I linked to it and was looking at the necks, and their it was, a guitar neck with a long tenon joint, some guy named Jaro has had the gall to make guitars with my long tenon neck joint idea, and now it's the rage, best invention since bread, how did they find out, who told my secret, I mentioned it to no one, I must have talked in my sleep, and my wife conspired against me, or some alien technology is stealing my thoughts, well I'm shattered now, back to the drawing board, I hope Mr. Jaro is happy with himself!............
# 1
Dont you just hate that?
I had an idea once, it was for
a digital cheese. Just by the push of a button
it would turn in to goats-cheese, mozzarella,
gouda, cheddar, you name it!
The day after the prototype was finished
some burglars stole it!!
And now, a big french cheese-cartel has
a similar prototype. hmmmm....
Anyway my goal was not to make money, it was
just to give people easier access to cheese,
and I guess the cartel can do that aswell.
I had an idea once, it was for
a digital cheese. Just by the push of a button
it would turn in to goats-cheese, mozzarella,
gouda, cheddar, you name it!
The day after the prototype was finished
some burglars stole it!!
And now, a big french cheese-cartel has
a similar prototype. hmmmm....
Anyway my goal was not to make money, it was
just to give people easier access to cheese,
and I guess the cartel can do that aswell.
# 2

# 3

I read somewhere that the reason we all know Alexander Graham Bell is coz he beatr another guy to getting a patent.Apparently the other guy's phone wasd better than Bell's.
And that another guy who'd invented a printing press(Gutenberg takes the fame here)died of a heart attack two weeks b4 Gutenberg unveiled his.
But that is not corroborated info.Just something I read somewhere.
But you try and figure this;do you imagine all the things invented by all those who invented then hadn't been invented,we wouldn't be where we are today,tech wise?
Sometimes it's the time that is right for the idea.The "inventor" just happens to be there,and it would happen anyway if he wasn't,done by anothr person.
And that another guy who'd invented a printing press(Gutenberg takes the fame here)died of a heart attack two weeks b4 Gutenberg unveiled his.
But that is not corroborated info.Just something I read somewhere.
But you try and figure this;do you imagine all the things invented by all those who invented then hadn't been invented,we wouldn't be where we are today,tech wise?
Sometimes it's the time that is right for the idea.The "inventor" just happens to be there,and it would happen anyway if he wasn't,done by anothr person.
# 4

I had the idea for this in the 80s,no I *did* honestly..

Pity it's tarred with a Korny image.

Pity it's tarred with a Korny image.
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 5

It was written long ago that "their is nothing new under the sun", apparently this keeps turning out to be true!
# 6